Victim’s Family Files Lawsuit Over Homicide on Hampshire Street Bikeway
The victim's family has been waiting over 8 months for the state's official investigation, which is still pending, and police and prosecutors are unable to confirm whether or not the alleged killer is still licensed to drive trucks on Massachusetts roadways.
Pickup Truck Driver Kills Teen in Leominster
Footage of the homicide scene suggests that the killing occurred in a clearly-marked crosswalk next to a stop sign.
Driver Kills Pedestrian Outside Roxbury Crossing T Station
A police spokesperson called the killing an "accident," even though an investigation is still underway.
Driver Kills 92-Year-Old Pedestrian Near Mashpee Commons
The designers of Cape Cod's "new urbanist" development neglected to build any sidewalks on the street where Dorothy Ilott died.
State Officials Say Work to Improve Safety at Lethal Memorial Drive Crash Site Will Begin On Monday
The state's parks agency will reduce Memorial Drive's speed limit and create more space for the area's busy bike and pedestrian traffic.
SUV Driver Kills Bicyclist On Memorial Drive Bike Path in Cambridge
The state's Department of Conservation and Recreation, which owns Memorial Drive, had previously received serious warnings about safety hazards at the site of the killing.