Green Line Service Resumes With 12 More Slow Zones Removed
Many more slow zones still remain, and the T plans to close the central segments of the line for two more 9-day closures in January.
What’s Somerville Doing With a City-Owned Empty Lot Next to a New Light Rail Station?
In 2014, the City of Somerville endorsed a plan to create new affordable housing, spaces for small businesses, and public plazas for city-owned land next to the new Gilman Square Green Line Station. Nearly a decade later, it's still an empty lot.
Billion-Dollar State Tax Cut Includes Expanded Deductions for Bike and Transit Expenses
The new law, which is effective retroactively to January 1, 2023, will let taxpayers deduct a much broader range of transportation expenses.
New BPL Exhibit Showcases A History of Boston Through Its Transit Maps
"A lot of these historic maps illuminate modern-day mobility issues," says Garrett Dash Nelson, the President and Head Curator of the Leventhal Map and Education Center. "We want people to think, this isn't just about the past, but about building a more inclusive transit system for the future."