Statewide Poll Suggests Most Residents Are Open to Paying New Tolls, Taxes for Better Transportation
Transportation for Massachusetts is planning to bring their coalition together for a "Day of Action" at the Massachusetts State House on April 2.
Massachusetts Lawmakers Are Still Spending Millions to Subsidize Elon Musk’s Car Company
In the three months between Election Day and February 5th (the last date for which data is currently available), Massachusetts taxpayers have sent $8.6 million in direct payments to buyers at Tesla dealerships.
While Constituents Demand Safer Streets, Boston Is Removing Protective Barriers From New Bikeways
A City Hall spokesperson declined to say whether the removals are permanent, or only temporary.
MeVa Study Finds Benefits of Axing Fares ‘Far Exceed’ Lost Revenue
The MeVa Advisory Board voted on Thursday to adopt a "permanent" fare-free policy on all its routes.
Healey Administration Delays Rules to Regulate Tailpipe Pollutants From Trucks
Governor Healey will delay implementation of pollution regulations that had been adopted by her Republican predecessor.
After Short-Lived Ban, Kei Trucks Get the OK In Massachusetts
The tempest over kei trucks reflects an approach to regulations that has historically prioritized safety for people inside motor vehicles at the expense of safety for everyone else.