Earlier this week, StreetsblogMASS reader Aaron Lu shared some photos of the Department of Conservation and Recreation's Hammond Pond Parkway road diet, which is converting a a four-lane highway without any sidewalks into a calmer two-lane street with a separated 12-foot-wide shared-use path and additional greenery in lieu of asphalt.

Contractors haven't yet started work on the path, but they recently paved the new roadway, which gives a clear sense of how much more space there's going to be for bikes, pedestrians, and greenery.
The streetlamps in Lu's photos approximate where the former edge of the now-demolished 4-lane highway used to be:

The photo above was taken in roughly the same location as these images, showing the 4-lane parkway as it looked a few years ago (left), and a rendering of what it might look like next year, when construction is complete: